The Crystal Scar

Maintaining Control

Capturing a Point

Capture points on the Crystal Scar are acquired over the course of a brief channel time. While channeling, your champion is unable to take any action without disrupting this process. Damage or crowd control effects will also interrupt your capture. If you’re interrupted while capturing a node, you’ll have to wait a moment before channeling another capture.


As a match on the Crystal Scar progresses, quests may become available. A quest challenges both teams to secure the same, neutral capture point before the opponent. Successfully seizing the point in question will earn a team-wide buff.

Choosing your Battles

Choosing which enemy point to attack is essential to victory on the Crystal Scar. Oftentimes, it’s better to circumvent a well-entrenched objective in favor of one that easier to conquer. Also, since capturing a point requires a sustained channel time, you may want to bring at least one ally along when engaging a defended point.

Speed shrines throughout the map can help you quickly reach vulnerable enemy objectives.

Neutral Ground

Health Relics

Health relics are located along the outer ring between capture points. Once consumed these relics instantly restore a portion of your champion’s health and mana.

Speed Shrines

Three speed shrines are located just within the outer rim of the map. Clever use of these shrines can equalize travel time between any two capture points on the Crystal Scar, whether you were moving from the Boneyard in the bottom left to the Refinery in the upper right, or just across to an adjacent point.

Storm Shield

Located in the center of the map, the storm shield provides your champion with a major offensive and defensive bonus. First, you gain a powerful shield that recharges if you stay out of combat for a few seconds. Second, your basic attacks and spells will periodically cast a lightning bolt that bounces to multiple enemies. The spawn point of this team-specific buff is always visible to both teams and requires a brief channel time to equip.